Have a Heart

Photo by Carolyn Kaster / AP Images
The President and First Lady are in Towson, Maryland today to watch a NCAA basketball game between Towson and Oregon State. The latter team is coached by Craig Robinson, the First Lady's brother.
On the style front, it seems Mrs. O has a new look of the moment: heart sweaters! This is the second time in recent weeks that the First Lady has been spotted wearing the style. The first occasion was in San Diego, here. I can't say for sure, but would guess that this sweater is an orange and pink version of the J.Crew Heart-intarsia sweater, sold-out at J.Crew, but available (sold-out!) at Net-a-Porter here. Black pants and classic Converse sneakers completed the look.
P.S. The sweater is indeed J.Crew, currently in the window of the Rockefeller Center location.

Reader Comments (29)
I was wondering when we'd see them at a Beavers game again....so great that they come out to support her brother's team. I read his book and I highly recommend it, especially for young boys/men...it's a wonderful coming of age story, very inspiring and uses a lot of basketball terminology that I know would appeal to young men. Mr. & Mrs O looking great and healthy. Cute sweater.
No doubt Mrs O selected her outfit because Oregon State's school colors are orange and black.
Another ad for this J.Crew sweater. May still be available in stores:
Aww she looks so cute and casual here. Cant go wrong with the Converse. And i would totally rock that sweater lol! So no Malia and Sasha this year huh. Last year it was a family affair. I guess maybe because the game's not in Washington DC this year.
My mistake, Malia and Sasha did attend the basketball game along with some friends, they just werent sitting with mom and dad, but in the first row of the bleachers section instead. The Obama diaries website cleared that up for me. Still dont know why we only see POTUS and FLOTUS boarding Marine One and coming back to the White House though...
GO BEAVS! Sometimes "fashion" isn't fashion. It's school pride. Thanks Mrs. Obama, for supporting OSU!
Long time lurker, 1st time poster. I know the girls are off limit, but could Mrs. T post (sometimes?) where Malia & Sasha's clothes can be purchase. FLOTUS ALWAYS have the girls dressed so appropriately for the occasion and for their age. It will be helpful for some parents. For instance,the turkey pardon. I LOVED Sasha's shoes and would love to know where they were purchase.
Michelle Obama is able to find clothes for the girls that are HIP and parent friendly.
she's absolutely adorable! i just love how approachable and normal they look!
If anyone wants to purchase this sweater in different colors; red with pink or navy with green:
they had it today at J. Crew in Bellevue, Wa. Enjoy!
Black socks with brown shoes?
I was at the game on Saturday. Mrs. O was beautiful! The entire family was there. Malia & Sasha wore Oregon orange also. The President and First Lady traveled in Marine One. The rest of the family (M & S, Mrs. Robinson and about six to ten others) traveled to Towson by SUV. It is about an hour drive from DC, that is too long for POTUS to be on the road. Cameras do not show Mrs. O's true beauty. This woman is gorgeous. If you ever have the opportunity to see this beautiful family in person, please do so.
Love Mrs. O's sweater; you're rocking your black socks with your brown shoes Prez!
Beautiful couple having fun together! Looks like dark blue socks on my computer matching his jacket. Hmmmmm . . . . Anyway, he could wear orange socks and I would still adore them both!
Aaaah they both have such beautiful smiles....makes me want to smile as well. Cozy sweet sweater.
Perfect Couple - I wonder who that unhappy man is sitting next to the President and First Lady....maybe his team is losing.
Cute Couple of The Year Award.....She has the most graceful hands!
This sweater is on my Christmas list in navy green - I LOVE. It's quirky and fun, and I think Mrs. O looks fabulous in it!
LOL @ River Rush! I think he may be SS as well as a Towson fan!
Such a loving couple who can dress up or dress down and still look fabulous and so happy.
Those are DARK BROWN socks worn with brown shoes madam!!!
Time to upgrade your computer monitor dear especially if you're going to earn your ODS stripes jostling, straining & nitpicking every tiny bit of minutiae relating to the Obamas.
@ Eleroy
That's a very condescending and mean way to address another poster. What is ODS?
Maybe my monitor isn't up to your caliber but you could have been a little nicer about it.
SoccerNana thought the socks were black and Auntie Mom thought they were dark blue.
I am a Canadian who admires the FLOTUS and POTUS and this is a fashion site.
Arriving back at the White House after the game in a heart sweater that appears to be the red and pink one J.Crew sells. ????
Mrs. O is wearing hosiery today!
"Mrs. O is wearing hosiery today!"
Alert the media, this is simply astounding!
Black hosiery........
Barack Obama is such a hottie. gorgeous smile. I also love Michelle's sweater. Don't hurt 'em mrs. o!
The Kid is Back!!! Mrs. O looks delicious as always, but the President.....I only wish that I could dress him for some of these fun occasions. A pair of fun, funky socks, and a black turtleneck or black cashmere sweater would do wonders with those pants.
Look at my girl, in the black Chucks! :-D Back in the day (late 60s-early 70s), we Chicago girls called those "boy's gym shoes" -- still do -- and as a symbol of ridiculous cool, when we got our own pair, you couldn't tell us NUTHIN! LOL They are classic, funky, and still, ridiculously cool.
Absolutely gorgeous, dignified, decent human beings. They have more grace and style than most anyone else and can (and do) wear whatever they feel comfortable in, especially when not on "official business". Please spare us from 'wrong socks' etc. comments - lighten up! If that is your only problem you are very lucky indeed!