Mrs. O Monday

Dear Readers, I was moving last week and fell behind on my blogging duties. My apologies! What did we miss?
Last Wednesday, Mrs. O attended an event at Sidwell Friends School, pairing cobalt blue trousers with a cropped teal cardigan and printed blouse. Patent leather blue flats completed the fun, festive look.
On Thursday, Mrs. O attended a more formal event, as the President and First Lady hosted former President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush at the White House to unveil their official portraits. For the occasion, Mrs. O wore a black and white floral dress by Prabal Gurung with a slim silver belt at the waist.
Tomorrow the First Lady is scheduled to appear with The Walt Disney Company Chairman and CEO Robert A. Iger at The Newseum in Washington, D.C. Hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the week!

Reader Comments (17)
Love the tonal shades of blue and green with a splash of colour in the blouse. Lovely. Mrs Bush looks as though she may have picked up a few tips from FLOTUS too! ;)
Both First Ladies look very nice for the occasion. Mrs. Bush didn't need help as she was always nicely dressed for events. I like both dresses very much.
The dress Mrs. Bush is wearing is one of the most fashionable outfits I've ever seen her in--not her "usual" suit, thank goodness. Mr. and Mrs. Bush look very stiff, but charitably, it could be just the camera. Mrs. Obama looks radiant and relaxed and the President looks as though he is enjoying himself. I like Mrs. Obama's hair!
Love the white/gray/black dress and the silver belt on Mrs. O. Did Laura borrow the necklace from Michelle's GMA outfit???
I love a high waisted, flared leg pant, so the blue pants are a thumbs up. I LOVE the blouse she's wearing w/ it. Might have gone w/o the green cardigan, but it's still okay. Might have also gone w/ a wedge shoe, but the flats are fine. Am looking forward to seeing repeat on the blouse b/c i can see her being able to wear that blouse (tank?) w/ a skirt, jeans, etc.....
I know this blog is really a fashion driven one, but I often use it to keep current on political events. I have never seen a more telling photograph of why we want four more years of the Obamas and not Bush recycled as Romney. How can anyone look at this photo and not say, are those real people in the middle? I am not being unkind, I am a native Texan and love my country. It frightens me to think about how we got to that desperate place by the time of Pres. Obama's inauguration. It is a rare bit of encouragement to see how healthy and well-rounded the Obamas have remained. I appreciate Michelle's embrace of fashion for various reasons such as support for American designers, young designers, designers of countries she may be visiting and vibrant color to help move important issues forward like the fight against childhood obesity. Four more years.
I was going to resist a comment about the odd picture of the Bushes, but PM Savannah opened the door. All I could think when I saw this photo was it looked like the Obamas were at Madame Tussaud's for an unveiling of wax figures. Not only do the Bushes look like they're not in the room with the Obamas, they look like they're not even in the room with one another. Very strange.
On the fashion side, Michelle looks great in both outfits. And she looks a LOT happier coming out of Sidwell. Her expression on Thursday looks like a woman doing her job - beautifully, but still a woman doing her job. As always, she makes me proud.
I must agree with some of the other ladies here- the former president and his wife look unreal and well- weird! George W. is having his portrait unveiled, for land's sake! And he looks like he's had too much to drink and is being held up by a very strong man- which he certainly is! Mrs. Bush looks very nice in what she's wearing, but the smile on her face- even her eyes- she looks like a Stepford Wife! The First Lady looks like she is where she belongs- in the white house- and her smile is warm and very comfortable. Her fashion is always spot on, she looks fresh and lovely, and so at ease- which makes this picture all the more strange- the former president and his wife do not look like they EVER belonged there- their expressions tell it all- they look AKWARD! The Obamas look totally at ease with the whole situation. I too am a Texan, but I'm afraid I don't remember the Bush years kindly.
Since my first comment may have been more than a bit harsh- the former president and Mrs. Bush both look uncomfortable and sort of out of it; I'll just say that the color of the dress that Mrs. Bush is wearing is very flattering on her, the style is very nice, and the First Lady looks entirely lovely in the dress she is wearing. The President and First Lady look very relaxed and very natural in this picture- but the same cannot be said of the former president and Mrs. Bush. Sorry, but they don't look real- they just don't.
I had to look at the caption for this photo because I also at first thought the Obamas were at Madame Tussaud's for an unveiling of wax figures. Talk about deer caught in headlights. It's actually kinda of creepy.
Mrs. Obama looks good. So does Mrs. Bush. Both are gracious ladies and have done great work for our country in visible and private ways. They deserve our respect as do their husbands regardless of the readers' political leanings. I check this blog for Mrs. Obama's clothes as I have been a First lady fan since childhood when J. Kennedy so graciously held that postion. It is nice to know what our First Lady's schedule is like, what events she attends and activities she supports. I do feel the comments about former President and Mrs. Bush were unkind and inappropriate especially for this blog. I will not even justify those particular comments by repeating them.
Boy, this photo certainly makes the Bushes look clueless!
I like to believe that Mrs. O, maybe, reads this blog, or at least, my humble comment !!! With the Bushes, she looks PERFECT : sheath dress, neutral classy colors, slim below-the-waist belt, no visible jewels, her hair style (that will shortly be mine !!!), I love it...
She also looks fine wearing these flashy colors that she likes so much and which are her "personal fashion trademark". And happily, with no belt this time on these large trousers which speak for themselves... great !!!
I thought both First Ladies looked very nice. Regarding some of the unflattering comments about President & Mrs. Bush, surely there was more than 1 group picture taken. My thought is that the picture chosen for this website was one which cast President & Mrs. Bush in the least flattering light.
I know that the media - and certainly this website - has made a lot of fuss over Mrs. Obama's fashion "sense" & her "flair." With all due respect, doesn't the First Lady have a woman on her staff whose job solely is to choose Mrs. Obama's clothes & accessories for her?? I've heard celebrities say that anybody can look good if they have someone pick out their clothes for them & do their hair & make-up ...
I like the First Lady very much & I appreciate her work, but the pictures of her BEFORE she became First Lady do not show that she had much fashion savvy!
The Bushes look somewhat disoriented. I love Mrs. O's dress and wonder if she wore it before? It looks so familiar to me....
EVERYONE looks lovely in the picture. Lea you said exactly what I thought after reading the other people's comments. I couldn't agree more with your last sentence. I have watched the video of this event and President and Mrs. Bush are very lovely, people with a great sense of humor. Obviously people on here will bash them. Regarding fashion, I like both the ladies' dresses, very springy :)
Both first ladies looking like as the occasion. Mrs. Bush did not need help as she was always nicely dressed for events. I like both dresses very much.
I think part of the problem with the picture is that there are several photographers in the room, and in this picture the Prez's are leaning into each other, because someone is taking a picture of the 2 of them, as the event is especially for the official presentation of their paintings. I think we also have to consider the roughly 20 year age difference in the 2 couples. I think they all look wonderful, and yes, I am sure that Mrs. O has someone, probably an entire group of people helping her choose her wardrobe, although it's clear she has a lot to say about what she wears. If any of us had this opportunity, I'm sure we'd take full advantage of the perk. I agree that Mrs. Bush's dress is very stylish, and the color is striking on her. And here again, this is just my thought, and if I had her opportunities, I probably would too, but there is a suggestion in the recent photos of her that I've seen that maybe she's had a bit of work done, and if so, I say, Bravo, for her! (I can only imagine the stress of knowing you were going to be in a photo, standing next to a younger woman, who is almost always receives rave reviews for her wardrobe!)