The First Family

Official White House Photo by Pete Souza
The First Family has released a new official portrait. On the frock front, Mrs. O wears a textured black dress by Byron Lars. The First Lady wore the same dress for September 11th remembrance ceremonies earlier this year, seen here. Adorable!
Byron Lars

Reader Comments (32)
What a gorgeous picture! They all look so incredibly joyful and happy to be together. They are truly a beautiful family, not just because they are physically attractive but because of all they stand for. God bless our First Family and God bless America. Merry Christmas to all!
Heads up.
A new interview with the Obamas by Barbara Walters. An excerpt is shown and includes a shot with Michelle. Article states the interview will be shown in full on a holiday special 20/20 Friday show. They misquote the date since it was taped today. I expect it will be on the Friday before Christmas at 11pm ET.
I knew that I could count on to get the picture out first!! You are terrific. The girls are beautiful and growing so fast. Our president and our first lady have their hands full! The suitors will be lining up! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, and Happy 2012! Prosperity, good health, peace and all the world's love in the New Year!
What a beautiful First Family we have!!! I love what all three Obama women are wearing! Malia and Sasha have grown up so much since their last family portrait, they are truly beautiful!
I love this family Mrs. Obama's dress is just lovely.
Love this!
Sasha is growing up!
Such a lovely photo showing how loving a family they are. I love how their hands just always instinctively intertwine to show their unity. Malia's clothes and eyes show she's her own girl now--a teen trying to find her own way, while Sasha's is very much a Mrs-O Barbara Tfank-like dress; at the same time Sasha's eyes and body language--leaning into her father and both her hands in the President's hands-- just demonstrates that she is a Daddy's girl to the core.
On first sight, my heart skipped a beat. Absolutely gorgeous picture. I love the way they are all holding hands, it imparts a feeling of true togetherness.
I remember the first time Mrs. O wore this dress and I didn't like how it made her arms look. Forward to today, I said the same thing without realizing that this was the same dress. I think I would like it better if the sleeve was longer and it was a different color such as purple, orange, or red... But not black when the First Daughters are wearing colorful dresses! Regardless, The First Family looks so beautiful and I believe Sasha Obama wore the same dress while in South America this year.
Lovely picture! Just when you thought the 2009 picture couldnt be topped, this comes pretty darn close. So neat to view both pics and see how much the girls have grown. I knew their hairstyles were familiar, especially Sasha who's normally wearing a bun. Huff Post reported that they shot this photo in the Oval Office after church on Sunday.
Huff Post also reported that on the style front for the girls, Malia's dress is from Anthropologie and Sasha's is from BB Dakota, called Clarissa in eggplant color. Both winners! And i definitely recognized FLOTUS' dress right away. Such a gorgeous frock is hard to forget.
Love Malia in her darling lace dress from anthro. Young teens & tweens should all look so stylishly age appropriate!
Like Jestina, I love the fact that they are holding hands, it is a display of unity and love. How sweet. Lovely family picture.
Look at MY First Family!! I just LOVE THEM!!!
Jestina, you are right about their hands. I noticed it as soon as I saw the pic.
BEAUTIFUL!!! Obama 2012!
This is one of the most beautiful family portraits I have ever seen! The colors are gorgeous. I LOVE both Sasha and Malia's dresses, especially Sasha's! And love the way the color is picked up in the President's tie. Mrs. O looks stunning as always. What a beautiful family!!! May they have a blessed holiday in Hawaii!
I just love our First Family!
Everone looks really healthy, happy and stylish. I adore the texture in our our Michelle's dress. It is so unique, it looks elegant.
@ Jestina, that hand holding is sweet and the love they have for each other is palpable, isn't it? You almost want to freeze frame the girls so they don't get any older. They COULD NOT be any cuter! Oh, and our President is still fine as ever!
Just lovely!
Beautiful! Love them!
What a great family! I have always loved that dress on Mrs. O and she looks lovely. The girls and the President look fantastic as well. So proud to have to have them as our First Family!
Beautiful! Another thing I like is that, although they could buy clothes for the girls in any price range, they use good judgement and purchase clothing that is affordable for many families. When you see some stars's kids in $1,500 dresses--it a discusting. As Michelle demonstrates, a person can be stylish without going overboard. What a fine family.
Genuine, genuine, genuine. In love with each other and the family as an entity. So beautiful.
Merry Christmas to our wonderful first family! My how the girls have grown. :)
an msnbc show showed the photo and mentioned that mrs.o 's dress is by bryon lars which she first wore on 9/11. i have a feeling the show got that info from this site!
What a beautiful First Family! They radiate a love for each other that cannot be denied. Their inner beauty comes out. Yes, President Obama is beautiful. The girls frocks are just right and Mrs. Obama just positively glows.
The First Family is so beautiful! I never dreamed that in my lifetime I would have a First Family that looks like people I am related to. God bless America!
What a wonderful picture!
What a handsome family. Malia's dress is Anthro, is comes in brown too..very much her mothers silhouette.
Love the picture and love them! Merry Christmas all!
Sigh. . . such a beautiful family!
This is a wonderful family portrait. What a lovely family!
Sasha's dress is by Modcloth, available at their website for $92