It's somewhat awkward to talk fashion on a day like this, for an event like the ones Mrs. O will be attending today, but I have to say that she looks so stunning, so poised, and so touched. The dress with the belt is perfect. Obviously the black is appropriate, but the fit and the style is fresh, which in my opinion conveys a sort of optimistic and fresh feeling, which I can appreciate since I hope we are no longer paralyzed by fear from 9/11.
Mrs. O - if possible, there are some pictures of the back of this dress...I'd love if you'd add one to this group of wonderful photos.
God Bless everyone who was lost that day, and to those who lost someone.
Love the dress, not loving this particular belt. A few inches thinner would have added to the fluidity of thos soft, feminine dress. I am going to have my seamstress make me the same dress. It really works!
I think FLOTUS looks lovely in that dress. I am so proud of her, so proud she is the First Lady.
Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 12:10 PM |
God bless our President and First Lady and the United States. I pray that our country become united once again.
Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 12:22 PM |
Mary White
perfect and stunning. There's a photo of them with President and Laura Bush bowing their heads in a moment of silence and it's breathtaking in it's simplicity. I know this isn't Chanel, but it looks like it....with the brooch and the belt, it's all perfect. The photos from today are heartbreaking and I think the Memorial is perfect in it's majesty. I look forward to visiting it on my next trip to New York.
There are some lovely pictures of the back of the dress here:
I love her smart choice of switching from the very cute kitten heels at the NY Ceremony to the still stylish, but much more practical flats, for the walk in the field at the Shanksville memorial:
@IVA, very well said. Obama Diary has many pictures, including back views. The dress buttons down to the hem. The V back will do doubt prompt someone to accuse our FLOTUS of wearing a "sundress" for this somber day even though it looks like she wore the bolero for all the public events.
How exquisite it that dress? Very appropo for the occassion. Its a somber day remembering the fallen but thank God the American soirit lives on to honor them and continue the cause of democracy! God Bless America!
Unity is strength. I hope and pray that we remember that as we move forward. Praying for President Obama, his family, all law enforcement, our military and their families.
I wish we could see a close up of the pin she is wearing. It seems just right -- heartbreakingly beautiful and a lift to the spirit, even an acknowledgment of spirit.
I have three comments. The dress is a low V-cut in the back, which I believe makes an inappropriate statement on this solemn day, although I love the buttons. I agree with an earlier poster that a thinner belt would look better. Finally, I would like to see the brooch in detail.
Women can be so catty, today was a day to remember the fallen on 9/11, not to analyze her weight. Anyway, I love the dress, and belt, but not the hair.
@Carole: Please remember what this blog is all about. One can be respectful and honor the loss of life AND still appreciate and/or critique fashion.
Monday, September 12, 2011 at 12:22 AM |
Marcus Perry
Thumper, this is America you are intitle to your opinion, but I disagree with you on all accounts. The dress was lovely, the belt was just fine, and Brittany the hair was alright too., What I am saying is I think the First Lady look lovely today.,
Monday, September 12, 2011 at 12:42 AM |
The low-cut V in the back was an unexpected punch. And I knew the scions of the "appropriate" mob would show up on cue to voice their concerns. Have at it!
Mrs. O is wearing a distinctive bow blouse for the 9/11 concert. The sleeveless blouse looks very familiar. I think I've seen it on a runway slideshow on
I agree that 9/11 is a day of remembrance and there are plenty of other places where that can be done. Those of us who are intrigued by where Mrs. O goes and how she presents herself should in my opinion be allowed to discuss that here - which is the perfect place to do that. I loved the dress and all of the accessories. I'd also like to know more about the pin and see a macro shot of it.
Thanks for sharing those pics on Obamadiary. Very cute romantic pics and able to see more of the dress in movement. I still love it! I also see why there have been so many requests for a picture of the back of the dress. It is such an interesting detail that only seeing the front is like only seeing 50% of the show.
What's with those coming on here to say it is not appropriate to discuss fashion on a day like this? Then why did they come onto a style blog on a day like this? What did they expect to come and find us discussing here???
Great Dress - not really feeling this hairstyle - it is such a throw back to the 70's, hope it goes back to the fluid, soft look soon.
Monday, September 12, 2011 at 12:33 PM |
river rush
I'm with Mrs. A. This is a fashion blog. After months on this site, I am confident that the fact that people are commenting upon Mrs. O's hair, clothes, jewelry or weight is not a sign of disrespect or a lack of compassion. Overall, we are a group of people who understand the need for balance in our lives. Commenting upon Mrs. O's appearance in no way reflects a lack of understanding or respect for the seriousness of the moment in which it was worn. Once again, Mrs. O managed to be herself and a wonderful representative for her country in her role as First Lady.
Soooo . . . at the risk of even MORE controversy: does the pin remind anyone else of the St. Erasmus necklace she wore with the pink Michael Kors dress? It sort of has that vibe. (I also love that it has stars on it for this particular appearance.) It's a little out there for Alexis Bittar, and not quite far enough out there for Tom Binns. Hmmm.
Monday, September 12, 2011 at 3:11 PM |
Does anyone know who the designer or where the dress is from . Love the buttons on the back of the skirt.
I've been so touched by Mrs. Os demeanor during 9/11 commemorations. For some reason it seems like she is feeling the gravity of the day more so than anyone around her.
i loved her look on this day. i thought she looked very appropriate for the occasion. i notice she's doing more updo's these days. partially because i believe it requires less heat on the hair. also i absolutely love the textured look of this dress. as others have said, i saw close-ups pics on another website, and it is absolutely gorgeous, along with the (functional, nonfunctional?) buttons that run down the back. the v-cut in the back has a younger feel to it, but better in the back than in the front. i would love to know where this cute little number is from, or is it specially made for the First Lady.
i would also like to add that our thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends, and loved ones of those who we lost in the 9/11 attacks. rest assured that even though we talk fashion on here, we will always remember and we will never forget.
Didn't she wear a cardigan over the dress during the Ground Zero ceremony. That covered the so called 'inappropriate' back. I think we complain too much.
Inappropriate outfit, I find, as it draws attention to herself, when it should not have. For once I think Laura Bush made a correct choice: somber black suit. Nothing wrong with wearing a dress/skirt, but it should have bee plainer, less embellished, less "fashion" and more formal. I love her normally, and her wardrobe, but this actually shocked me a little.
Here we go again, the "inappropriateness brigade" is out in full-force once again. Where have you been these last few weeks, on vacation no doubt. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this dress, even the V-cut back is neither severe or extreme, considering that she was going to be outdoors for a significant portion of the day, it was an absolutely perfect choice. As for her hair, the same applies. Wearing an updo or a twist is a most practical way to style one's hair if you know you'll be outdoor all day in the Summer heat and wind. So to all those of you who neither liked her dress or hairdo, maybe you should consider that even though you may not like her choices, she looked great in them. It was a perfect choice.
I LOVE this dress! I love the back, the buttons, and if you look down the side of it towards the front there are slits or some kind of design. It looks like a simple black dress, but it is far from it. Also, I know some said the belt could be a tad smaller, but when I saw her on tv (at the Pentagon with those beautiful little kids) belt loops fit the belt. Not sure if this is the belt the dress came with, but a smaller belt would not have worked.
The President and First Lady touched my heart yesterday with the kindness that they showed to those families and others. They are so compassionate and thank you Lord that they are serving our country at this time.
LOL! I just thought about that song we use to sing when we were little. "Ms. Mary Mack, Mack, Mack; all dressed in black, black, black; with the silver buttons, buttons, buttons; all down her back, back, back..." Haha, Too funny!
She should have kept the cardigan on the entire time. She took it off to reveal a plunging "V" in the back. Not appropriate for such a dignified event.
Back cleavage is not proper for such a solemn and dignified event.
The plunging V in the back is fine. She dressed in layers. It was cool in the morning in PA and hot that afternoon in DC. Why should she have kept the cardigan on? Proper can be defined in many ways.
I realize that in this country everyone has a right to their opinions (but not their facts), so why don't you outline for the rest of us why the First Lady's dress is so "not proper for such a solemn and dignified event" If I didn't have the opportunity to observe her throughout the day, but only to read your silly commentary, I probably would come away thinking just as you do. First of all, the V-neck cut was not plunging, and you darn well know it, so stop the exaggeration. I can only conclude that made that statement for effect knowing you would draw attention to yourself and your silly comment. Perhaps the next time you attend a "solemn and dignified event" such this one you may choose to wrap yourself up in burlap or a shroud, that way you'll keep that dignified tradition going even if the temperature is in the upper 90's.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 1:11 AM |
Back cleavage?! WTH!?!Now that is just plain foolishness. LMAO! Just when I think I've heard it all, you guys prove me wrong.
Ok, now we have back cleavage police in the house..ROFL!! POTUS, FLOTUS and the Bidens, were extremely gracious and sweet throughout the day.This dress looked spectacular on tv. So I absolutely love the dress, hair and make-up. I too will get my dressmaker make something similar:-)
This was such a beautiful dress for the occassion. Whomever designed this dress did a phenomenal job. It looks gorgeous on our Michelle. But most of all, I appreciated how everyone came together on one accord for the event.
We have seen Mrs. Obama with this squarish soft black leather bag before (she exits the plane with it here, it has been seen when she is leaving for Camp David, etc.). It is superb -- and useful! Has anyone identified it?
We have seen Mrs. Obama with this squarish soft black leather bag before (she exits the plane with it here, it has been seen when she is leaving for Camp David, etc.). It is superb -- and useful! Has anyone identified it?
Reader Comments (48)
Our First Lady is lovely. Such class and quiet dignity and style in that dress.
It's somewhat awkward to talk fashion on a day like this, for an event like the ones Mrs. O will be attending today, but I have to say that she looks so stunning, so poised, and so touched. The dress with the belt is perfect. Obviously the black is appropriate, but the fit and the style is fresh, which in my opinion conveys a sort of optimistic and fresh feeling, which I can appreciate since I hope we are no longer paralyzed by fear from 9/11.
Mrs. O - if possible, there are some pictures of the back of this dress...I'd love if you'd add one to this group of wonderful photos.
God Bless everyone who was lost that day, and to those who lost someone.
Mrs. O mood is quiet and reflective, her look so stunning in this dress. It has the feel of an Alaia.
The way PBO looks at her just melts me. They are such a gorgeous couple. Their love, their bond, is so incredibly strong and deep - just breathtaking.
I remain proud of our First Lady Mrs Michelle Obama!
Love the dress, not loving this particular belt. A few inches thinner would have added to the fluidity of thos soft, feminine dress. I am going to have my seamstress make me the same dress. It really works!
I think FLOTUS looks lovely in that dress. I am so proud of her, so proud she is the First Lady.
God bless our President and First Lady and the United States. I pray that our country become united once again.
perfect and stunning. There's a photo of them with President and Laura Bush bowing their heads in a moment of silence and it's breathtaking in it's simplicity.
I know this isn't Chanel, but it looks like it....with the brooch and the belt, it's all perfect. The photos from today are heartbreaking and I think the Memorial is perfect in it's majesty. I look forward to visiting it on my next trip to New York.
Is it just me, or does Mrs O look like she has lost weight? In recent pics I've seen, she seems to have lost her pooch (stomach).
She looks amazing! Lots of photos here, including the back of the dress
more pics here
There are some lovely pictures of the back of the dress here:
I love her smart choice of switching from the very cute kitten heels at the NY Ceremony to the still stylish, but much more practical flats, for the walk in the field at the Shanksville memorial:
@IVA, very well said. Obama Diary has many pictures, including back views. The dress buttons down to the hem. The V back will do doubt prompt someone to accuse our FLOTUS of wearing a "sundress" for this somber day even though it looks like she wore the bolero for all the public events.
Not a day for fashion, weight or how one looks. Please remember what today is all about.
How exquisite it that dress? Very appropo for the occassion. Its a somber day remembering the fallen but thank God the American soirit lives on to honor them and continue the cause of democracy! God Bless America!
Unity is strength. I hope and pray that we remember that as we move forward. Praying for President Obama, his family, all law enforcement, our military and their families.
I saw a wonderful photo of the button detail in the back of the dress on another site. It really is a beautiful dress.
I wish we could see a close up of the pin she is wearing. It seems just right -- heartbreakingly beautiful and a lift to the spirit, even an acknowledgment of spirit.
I have three comments. The dress is a low V-cut in the back, which I believe makes an inappropriate statement on this solemn day, although I love the buttons. I agree with an earlier poster that a thinner belt would look better. Finally, I would like to see the brooch in detail.
Women can be so catty, today was a day to remember the fallen on 9/11, not to analyze her weight. Anyway, I love the dress, and belt, but not the hair.
@Carole: Please remember what this blog is all about. One can be respectful and honor the loss of life AND still appreciate and/or critique fashion.
Thumper, this is America you are intitle to your opinion, but I disagree with you on all accounts. The dress was lovely, the belt was just fine, and Brittany the hair was alright too., What I am saying is I think the First Lady look lovely today.,
The low-cut V in the back was an unexpected punch. And I knew the scions of the "appropriate" mob would show up on cue to voice their concerns. Have at it!
Mrs. O is wearing a distinctive bow blouse for the 9/11 concert. The sleeveless blouse looks very familiar. I think I've seen it on a runway slideshow on
I agree that 9/11 is a day of remembrance and there are plenty of other places where that can be done. Those of us who are intrigued by where Mrs. O goes and how she presents herself should in my opinion be allowed to discuss that here - which is the perfect place to do that. I loved the dress and all of the accessories. I'd also like to know more about the pin and see a macro shot of it.
Thanks for sharing those pics on Obamadiary. Very cute romantic pics and able to see more of the dress in movement. I still love it! I also see why there have been so many requests for a picture of the back of the dress. It is such an interesting detail that only seeing the front is like only seeing 50% of the show.
What's with those coming on here to say it is not appropriate to discuss fashion on a day like this? Then why did they come onto a style blog on a day like this? What did they expect to come and find us discussing here???
Great Dress - not really feeling this hairstyle - it is such a throw back to the 70's, hope it goes back to the fluid, soft look soon.
I'm with Mrs. A. This is a fashion blog. After months on this site, I am confident that the fact that people are commenting upon Mrs. O's hair, clothes, jewelry or weight is not a sign of disrespect or a lack of compassion. Overall, we are a group of people who understand the need for balance in our lives. Commenting upon Mrs. O's appearance in no way reflects a lack of understanding or respect for the seriousness of the moment in which it was worn. Once again, Mrs. O managed to be herself and a wonderful representative for her country in her role as First Lady.
Soooo . . . at the risk of even MORE controversy: does the pin remind anyone else of the St. Erasmus necklace she wore with the pink Michael Kors dress? It sort of has that vibe. (I also love that it has stars on it for this particular appearance.) It's a little out there for Alexis Bittar, and not quite far enough out there for Tom Binns. Hmmm.
Does anyone know who the designer or where the dress is from . Love the buttons on the back of the skirt.
Dignified. Sober. In class mourning black.
I've been so touched by Mrs. Os demeanor during 9/11 commemorations. For some reason it seems like she is feeling the gravity of the day more so than anyone around her.
i loved her look on this day. i thought she looked very appropriate for the occasion. i notice she's doing more updo's these days. partially because i believe it requires less heat on the hair. also i absolutely love the textured look of this dress. as others have said, i saw close-ups pics on another website, and it is absolutely gorgeous, along with the (functional, nonfunctional?) buttons that run down the back. the v-cut in the back has a younger feel to it, but better in the back than in the front. i would love to know where this cute little number is from, or is it specially made for the First Lady.
i would also like to add that our thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends, and loved ones of those who we lost in the 9/11 attacks. rest assured that even though we talk fashion on here, we will always remember and we will never forget.
Didn't she wear a cardigan over the dress during the Ground Zero ceremony. That covered the so called 'inappropriate' back. I think we complain too much.
Inappropriate outfit, I find, as it draws attention to herself, when it should not have. For once I think Laura Bush made a correct choice: somber black suit. Nothing wrong with wearing a dress/skirt, but it should have bee plainer, less embellished, less "fashion" and more formal. I love her normally, and her wardrobe, but this actually shocked me a little.
Here we go again, the "inappropriateness brigade" is out in full-force once again. Where have you been these last few weeks, on vacation no doubt. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this dress, even the V-cut back is neither severe or extreme, considering that she was going to be outdoors for a significant portion of the day, it was an absolutely perfect choice. As for her hair, the same applies. Wearing an updo or a twist is a most practical way to style one's hair if you know you'll be outdoor all day in the Summer heat and wind. So to all those of you who neither liked her dress or hairdo, maybe you should consider that even though you may not like her choices, she looked great in them. It was a perfect choice.
It's amazing how this womann so effortlessly expresses emotion through clothing. God has given her a truly unique talent.
I LOVE this dress! I love the back, the buttons, and if you look down the side of it towards the front there are slits or some kind of design. It looks like a simple black dress, but it is far from it. Also, I know some said the belt could be a tad smaller, but when I saw her on tv (at the Pentagon with those beautiful little kids) belt loops fit the belt. Not sure if this is the belt the dress came with, but a smaller belt would not have worked.
The President and First Lady touched my heart yesterday with the kindness that they showed to those families and others. They are so compassionate and thank you Lord that they are serving our country at this time.
LOL! I just thought about that song we use to sing when we were little. "Ms. Mary Mack, Mack, Mack; all dressed in black, black, black; with the silver buttons, buttons, buttons; all down her back, back, back..." Haha, Too funny!
The dress suits her and the occasion. Beautiful!
She should have kept the cardigan on the entire time. She took it off to
reveal a plunging "V" in the back. Not appropriate for such a dignified event.
Back cleavage is not proper for such a solemn and dignified event.
Too casual!
The plunging V in the back is fine. She dressed in layers. It was cool in the morning in PA and hot that afternoon in DC. Why should she have kept the cardigan on? Proper can be defined in many ways.
I realize that in this country everyone has a right to their opinions (but not their facts), so why don't you outline for the rest of us why the First Lady's dress is so "not proper for such a solemn and dignified event" If I didn't have the opportunity to observe her throughout the day, but only to read your silly commentary, I probably would come away thinking just as you do. First of all, the V-neck cut was not plunging, and you darn well know it, so stop the exaggeration. I can only conclude that made that statement for effect knowing you would draw attention to yourself and your silly comment. Perhaps the next time you attend a "solemn and dignified event" such this one you may choose to wrap yourself up in burlap or a shroud, that way you'll keep that dignified tradition going even if the temperature is in the upper 90's.
Back cleavage?! WTH!?!Now that is just plain foolishness. LMAO! Just when I think I've heard it all, you guys prove me wrong.
Back Cleavage??? I guess she was suppose to wear the exact same outfit that Luara Bush wore.
Ok, now we have back cleavage police in the house..ROFL!! POTUS, FLOTUS and the Bidens, were extremely gracious and sweet throughout the day.This dress looked spectacular on tv. So I absolutely love the dress, hair and make-up. I too will get my dressmaker make something similar:-)
I cannot believe there is no further information about the smashing black dress MO wore most of the day September 11th.
This was such a beautiful dress for the occassion. Whomever designed this dress did a phenomenal job. It looks gorgeous on our Michelle.
But most of all, I appreciated how everyone came together on one accord for the event.
We have seen Mrs. Obama with this squarish soft black leather bag before (she exits the plane with it here, it has been seen when she is leaving for Camp David, etc.). It is superb -- and useful! Has anyone identified it?
We have seen Mrs. Obama with this squarish soft black leather bag before (she exits the plane with it here, it has been seen when she is leaving for Camp David, etc.). It is superb -- and useful! Has anyone identified it?