Mrs. O in Thom Browne

It's a DNC double take! For the final presidential debate at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida, Mrs. O wears a grey short sleeve dress with black lace overlay by designer Thom Browne, seen in September 2012 here. The first lady refreshed her DNC look, adding a solid black belt at the waist and a crystal bow pin at the shoulder. Lovely!
Thom Browne

Reader Comments (46)
Stunning in every way.
isn't she lovely? Obama 2012!
This is not one of my favorite Mrs O looks. I hate to say it, but Anne's dress was a little more smarter and chic - not that I really care about who/what she wears. Can't wait to see Mrs O's inauguration outfits!!!
Soft and Lovely
I will admit that I was very surprised that she wore this repeat so soon. I liked the new accessories that she added to it. As I've said before, her hair was DA BOMB!!! I know this is not a political blog, but Mrs. O's man done good tonight!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
@Nyon, the President RULED! And Mrs Obama stunned in her grace and dignity. I love, love, love my President and First Lady!
Oh that is just gorgeous.
Lace plus Grace! The Lady-like quality of the and gray sharp for days - Lovin' it. The hair, the hair, the hair....oh lets rent out her hair stylist for a day!
She looks absolutely stunning. The hair is on point! im so proud of our FLOTUS. isn't she lovely..................... si, que ella es!!!!!
I like this dress. It has a very "First Lady of the Church" (Protestant, that is) elegance. I think it's classy and sophisticated in a muted (or somber) way. (Black lace can have that effect.) And MO's pin added a nice glitteringly pop! to it.
P.S. Thank God--pun intended--there was no First Lady of the Church hat and pocketbook (Though my grandmother would've applauded from her grave had there been) to accessorize the lovely dress.
P.P.S. And what's wrong with a repeat a week or two later? I imagine I'm not the only person that repeats at least one suit (for work) every week. Unless you fancy people "got it like that." ..."I ain't mad at cha." :-)
You know, for as much as I follow Mrs. O's fashion, I never really notice that she is repeating! I think because she always mixes it up in a fresh way and she just always looks so fresh and beautiful. I saw her and just thought, "she looks wonderful!" And the photos of them kissing after the debate are....well, let's just say that their lovelife is alive and well ;)
I have thoroughly enjoyed this blog for its fashion ever since it was started. Michelle Obama has great style sense and has showcased many newer designers, including her fabulous accessory bravery. I have never appreciated the link most of the commenters make between her sartorial ability and the notion that she and her husband are the saviors of the USA.(perhaps even the world). I wonder if any of you have read "Leading from Behind."
Marcus Perry, you talkin to me? You talkin to ME? LOL!! Now, you know better than that. I ain't got it like that sweetie and I'm sure if I did, I would be just like Mrs. O wearing my clothes all the time. I don't see anything wrong with wearing repeats. I just pointed out that I was SURPRISED she wore it this soon. Some times it takes her forever to wear something again.
P.S. Next time you have something to say about my comment, don't beat around the bush, speak to me directly. I don't bite (unless you ask me to ;-) LMAO!!!
Alisa, I feel you on the alive and well love life. I won't even go there, but...............LOL!!!
Waving hard to Marcus, I love reading your posts. Mrs Obama indeed looked very graceful last night and the president nailed I like I knew he would.
She looks lovely, it's true, but one month later is a little soon for such a distinctive dress worn to such a high profile event. I was surprised.
A favorite dress of mine! I enjoyed seeing the dress again last night--I found the repeat very relatable. The belt with the bow in the back and the very pretty pin refreshed the look of the dress. For me it was the icing on the cake at the end of a powerful debate. I like this designer very much!
Maybe this dress has special memories or sentimental value to her or
maybe she felt it would be appropriate for the evening. We often say we
can relate to her down-to-earth ways, so repeating her outfit is just fine
with me. That's the thing with suits especially if dark colour. People don't
know and dont care if they are repeated "ESPECIALLY" when the goal
is achieved.
Love the blue and grey palette of both dresses!
I love Mrs. O in this dress!
One thing we know by now is that the FLOTUS always puts thought into what she wears, and usually thinks of others and connecting to them. Maybe this is a favorite of the President's, or a lucky dress? She looked beautiful, she looked real. Four more years!
Like others, I love this dress, but feel it was a bit to soon for a reprisal. But then again, I don't think it's ever totally appropriate to re-wear things for such a major, televised event. However, it is one of my favorites from the First Lady this year, and I especially love the addition of the broach.
@Joan, I agree with you 100%
Once again...........STUNNING!
This is for Joan: I am taking the liberty to speak for a few. We do not consider the POTUS and FLOTUS to be the saviors of the world. However, we support both of them and feel that the country is on the right track with their leadership, and yes the world has responded. As a christian, the last savior of the world in my book was Jesus. Yes, this is all about FLOTUS fashion and how happy am I that you have followed since the beginning, but keep in mind, this is an election year and politics are front and center. Happy continued following. Obama 2012!
Another man in the Group
@THC, What a civilized response to Joans comment. In the past comments even the least bit critical of the First Family have been met with mocking and nastiness. It is refreshing to see a reasoned response to someone who disagrees many of the posters on this blog.
@ Nyon: Chill. Now you know I know better than to try to flank you. (Something tells me you don't roll like that. :-) ...Honestly, I didn't pay any attention to the author to the comment. And as a general rule, I usually don't, unless it's over-the-top. And as one of the few men to visit this site, I know I can only go so far with my commentary among the Michelle Obama "Sister Brigade." (Or should I say "Sistah Brigade"?) *chuckle* ...I have nine aunts, most of whom are "alpha females." So, I don't play with "fi-yah!" As the saying goes where I come from: "My mama ain't raised no fool!" ;-)
@Joan and Chicago mom, you two aren't really fooling anyone. Not really.
What boggles the mind is the idea that with such hectic lives as we all live, that anyone, particularly a "mom" would have that much time on their hands loitering on a blog dedicated to a woman whose husband you clearly despise.
That you would go as as far as referencing and touting a thoroughly debunked work of fiction and hit piece against the husband of the subject of the blog as some weird authority or basis for anything regarding the President and First Lady, is incredibly telling.
I have never and would never spend a minute on a blog dedicated to a woman whose husband I disdain, especially when that negative feeling obviously spills over to his spouse. Not under any circumstances.
To do that, one has to be incredibly sadistic and twisted, and harbor terribly unhealthy and obsessive stalker/voyeuristic tendencies that makes one unable to completely ignore and move on from those they hate. Choosing to actively participate in blogs dedicated to the subject of your disdain takes that unhealthy obsession to new and worrisome heights.
I never cared for John McCain and never cared to see what his wife Cindy was wearing...or why. Neither was I ever remotely curious about Sarah Palin. I do not care for Mitt Romney and would never click on a blog dedicated to his wife Ann, little less participate in discussions about her - not even to slam her or her husband. They just aren't worth a valuable minute of my very full and happy life.
If only the Joan's and Chicago mom's of the world would put the valuable hours of your lives to better use - your health and family would generally be better off for it I bet! Obsessive hate destroys in more ways than one.
The comment by "C" above absolutely hits the nail on the head. I was going to comment but over the last four years, have chosen to ignore bloggers when they creep into these sites and try to hide their venom behind sweet little comments. Well done to C for addressing it so succinctly.
@ C.,
Great post! Thanks!
I dub you TrollSlayer-in-Chief!
Thank you C for so perfectly proving my point. Sadistic, twisted, obsessive stalker and voyeuristic!! All for a opinion you don't like.
C. said exactly what I'm thinking minus the MANY expletives!!!
I think it makes her look a little heavy but it is a very pretty dress.
Well, I loved this dress. It has been so nice to comment on the clothing of a Mrs. O. As a professional woman who spends her day talking with patients, it is nice to comment on clothes and learn about new designers and to see how established designers impact the first lady's style choices. I see firsthand how having your own style impacts how people see you. The first lady is leading with style and grace. Her choices impact us all us all in a positive way. We have women from all over the world discussing fashion. We have gone through a rough time but it has been a great four years reading this blog. Can't wait for the next 4 years.
concern trolling's as tiresome as faux pearl clutching. I always notice 3 things, that make Mrs. O the best Flotus ever: her brains, her projecting her own sense of style (not some stylist's), and her inspiring unconcern for using clothes like real women do: again and again, beautifully, and with the same taste, intelligence, individuality and grace that inform her policy choices. What a woman. Jackie Kennedy's poise, brains and style, including her campaigning and effect upon her husband, are legend. Mrs. Obama's grace in a very different, 'gotcha' modern world, is more inspiring that I could have imagined, both visually and substantively. I look forward to her golden years of influence, when she will be a statesman like Eleanor Roosevelt.
Well...move along people nothing left to gape at.
Wow C.!
For all the REAL Mrs. O fans, here is a clip of her on the Jimmy Kimmel show. She looked so pretty and I LOVE and want that necklace!
Have to say her makeup during all her campaigning and appearances has never looked so beautiful !
Kudos to person in charge of her makeup!
Obama 2012
@ Nyon, Thanks for the youtube clip.
The dress looks like it is or it is very similar to the dress she wore to the UK, during the Spring of 2009, with the asymmetric argyle sweater.
I agree SoccerNana! So very pretty with the necklace. She was amazing (along with Halle and Ciera-smile!) I real late night treat!
Love JaaaaaCeeee's comments. I absolutely love FLOTUS. Her fashion is fabulous! But the thing that I really love about her is the warmth and sincerity that just shines through! You cannot fake that. I do think she will go down in history as one of the most impressive and influential First Ladies. I am so glad I am witnessing this wonderful history!
Mrs T, I think you should do a book covering the first 4 years of this site-pictures and the best comments. Then we will all be ready for the next 4 years! Obama2012!
I love the silhouette of the dress and the black lace, but not the the grey color. It's a bit too somber/funereal for my taste. I think it would have looked great for this occasion if the non-lace parts were an eggplant color. I totally co-sign whomever said it was very "First Lady of the Church" in keeping in the Protestant tradition. As a Protestant, I resemble that remark.
However, congrats to C for slaying trolls Chicago Mom and Joan. Referencing "Leading From Behind" is an obvious troll move.
I was curious about this informal group with its very defined boundaries of what to think and how to say it. Could this group be open to considering other opinions?However, my curiosity is satisfied as you and your troll slayers acted swiftly to preserve your equilibrium. I leave you with this definition of a profound value ; perhaps a few of you may take time to ponder its meaning and its value to our society.
The right to freedom of expression is recognized as a human right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Article 19 of the ICCPR states that "[e]veryone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice".
Love that dress!
Private = personal; privileged; non-governmental
Public = open to all; municipal; unrestricted
Mrs. T created this blog; hmmm, that would make it private.
Very beautiful dress.