Business Chic

The First Lady appeared in Tampa, Florida today to help announce a commitment by Goya Foods to put resources behind the USDA MyPlate (or MiPlato in Spanish) food group symbol. The company is creating various materials such as brochures, posters, coupons and cookbooks for consumers, developing educations tools for elementary school children, and imprinting the MiPlato icon on some Goya Foods products.
For the event, Mrs. O kept her look business chic, wearing a sleeveless black dress with exposed seam detailing.
Update: Mrs. O wears a dress by Jason Wu, confirmed via tweet.
Jason Wu

Reader Comments (21)
Our beautiful First Lady exemplifies what she "preaches". Oh, and I love her dress! God bless our First Family. God bless the United States of America. May we truly become a united country once again!
Love, love, LOVE that dress. Mrs. O looks great!
I love the detailing on this dress! I am also glad to see her in heels, even kitten heels. I know she is tall but I think heels just add extra UMPH!, to an outfit especially a dress.
I love this look. She's speaking so passionately and expressively.
Love this dress but looks much better from a distance. Probably great for speaking where she needs to stand out from busy backgrounds.
Yep, I'm feeling it!!
Very nice! Black and white always look so good together. Wish I could see a more complete picture, though.
She seems more passionate than her husband. I think we must join hands with first lady to support this cause. On a side note; black suits on her.
Love it!
I love this dress and it looks so great on her. The seams are done in a way that is super flattering to the body.
To Our Beautiful First Lady - Michelle Obama
You are absolutely beautiful. Your SOTU dress was breathtaking! You are so cute in your BTS outfit. And you are rocking the BC. Guess I’m going to have to step up my game when I go grocery shopping
To Our Dear Mrs. T and Fellow Mrs. O Lovers -
Can somebody please tell me about that beautiful tie President Obama wore in the January 17, 2012 (Happy Birthday Mrs. O) posting??? I really want to get that for my handsome hubby. Thanks!
I wish I could tell you Terri, but I have no idea :-)
Hi All,
FYI. The First Lady and the President will attend the Alafa Club dinner tonight. I hope there will be photographs I am itching to see what the First Lady will wear.
Dear Mrs. T.,
Can't wait to see our FLOTUS on the MOST latest cover of Prevention Magazine where she is wearing what looks like a sleaveless Colbert blue top, broach and fushia pants, where the article is titled.. Michele Obama, the BEST Shape of her Life at 48 ! Can't wait to see it here.
Debra Chaffin
Forget the dress--well, not totally. More than anything, for me, it's Mrs. O's fabulous body (Those damn arms. Look at them! Lean, toned and elegant.) and the cut of the dress, that makes this look work. Yet, the dress alone, with its exposed detailing has a weird, interesting effect: the seams seem illuminated...and remind me of a skeleton costume (a la' Halloween) from my long-gone childhood years.
That said, more power to our lovely First Lady in her efforts to promote healthier eating and tackling childhood obesity. (I wish she were tackling obesity in general, however. But too many of us adults would likely have an apoplectic fit--and want to kill the messenger, go ballistic, descend into full throttle "hate-eration.")
Oh! Since I'm "feelin'" the FLOTUS's physical beauty big-time in this commentary, let me say one more thing: How about some applause for those lovely hands and fingers of hers?!?! Woo!!! Somebody needs to call the folks at Palmolive and update the commercial! I'm sure Madge would be impressed!!!
GORGOUS! And our First Lady is on the cover of Prevention Magazine. The article is titled "Michelle Obama in the Best Shape of her life at age 48".
Obama Diary has a couple nice pics of the 1st family visiting the Corcoran Gallery this past weekend to see an African-American art exhibit. I think Mrs O. is sporting the coat and scarf she wore for the Christmas Tree lighting in December:
Also, Mrs. T., can you tell us anything fashionwise about the high-end lingerie designer, "Agent Provocateur, which the Daily Mail says was founded by the son of fashion designer Vivienne Westwood," that Mrs. O. is reported to have patronized along with the Queen of Qatar on Madison Av? There's a short piece about her shopping outing here: She may have spent a lot, but POTUS is worth it! Love to see their vital, scintillating married love still burning strong after a decade and a half. Quite a contrast to other high profile pols running for Prez these days! Go POTUS! Go FLOTUS!
great hair and dress !!!
@ Nyon,
Thanks for trying. Much Luv2u
Marcus Perry, I love the Madge comment!! How many of our younger folks know what you are talking about?!